Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Doing Right While Disoriented

Quite frequently, I am met with cravings for doing certain activities. From what I hear, this is pretty normal. Some men want to just be handed a billion dollars and then tell off your boss to just go play for the rest of their lives! Well, that's not happening for almost every guy who feels that way. 

The last, funny paragraph or maybe depressing for some chumps leads me into discussing something I have been noticing from the bottom of my heart. Oh no, is this another one of my Christian-oriented posts? Yes. Okay, if you are still here with me:

By focusing my energy and attention on doing the will of God, it's empowering me to go above and beyond my personal responsibilities and to stay on top of things. It's giving me a steady heart and encouraging me to seek after my current goals of reaching that six pack and million dollars! 

It's pretty funny because I think it's funny from presenting the information that way, but it's undeniably what I currently seek. Focusing on Jesus through inspiration from the Bible, it has been helping me manage my troublesome thoughts and shown a clear path of righteousness that I should be obediently adhering to. It's just this faith in Jesus from a small and insignificant person of the universe (me) that's making me want to do right. 

I'm taking notice of the disoriented feeling that I get pretty frequently. I guess during those times, it's just a moment where I should just take a breather and let myself readjust to handle the minor stress better, so I could reach my goals! This is just an idea that I thought would be cool to share. I'm maturing nonetheless from maintaining discipline.