Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Short Glimpse of Transition

I believe that some of us go through a really hard time in life, such as; family issues and relationship compatibility issues. It just goes to show that living life at large may not always entail that true good feeling you were looking for. I'm pretty positive that there are some things that we just can't let go of, but may put off in times of facing hardships. To be someone who looks very closely at himself, I think some of us come to the conclusion that it's better not to judge ourselves out of fear with feeling self-pity. I am sure it's sometimes a burdensome task or rather comical thing to push out opposition that states your two cents are wrong.

Having had a little fun experience with writing all these years, I'm realizing the effects of how it's easier for me to transition with thoughts a lot quicker, egocentrically; therefore, I may feel that I'm being under self-absorption. One of the neat experiences I have had is not knowing how my writing effects others; by being so naive, I have forgotten how people can wrongly place blame on you. I recall that I did not defend myself and allowed a bewildered friend to attack me with something he held back from illustrating. It was an expression of disapproval in his life, but then later, I started defending myself after all the attacks took place. Therefore, it feels like I did everything in vain! Perhaps, there's this old guy's voice underneath me guffawing at everything that's taking place. I don't think I have the credentials to pretend to label myself as a professor anymore! God is good and loving and wishes no one would perish in this world. Read the Bible and see if God is right for you.