Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bible Rambling

The meaning of the post is mainly what I feel like I've been doing. It's because I've been just saying stuff that comes out without really any effort.

I'm starting to feel a little base with my faith nowadays. This gives me a little concern that I may be biased. The Bible advises us to go from Genesis to Revelations to get to the full counsel of God. Acts 20:27 states, "You will think in a godly way as you receive the full counsel of God." I think we all like to get sharpened with a brother or sister who is knowledgeable in a key spiritual area. What I really like about the teaching ministry is that the gift of teaching is obtainable and able to be passed throughout generations. Paul stated he was really proud to teach the verse by verse Bible to a hard crowd of believers. I think ideally Paul intended on being an example of how teachers should model their teaching style also. A book of the Bible shows a synopsis of Ezra the high priest delivering the Word. It was taught by expository teaching and distinctive reading of the law of God. To be able to teach someone, the secret is to read the Scriptures and give a sense of its meaning with expository message; this will in fact give the understanding.