Monday, January 2, 2012

Doing the Impossible

Wait until I start getting attracted to taller people. It's like breaking a personal rule for me. Am I seriously going to end up marrying someone whose taller than me? I'm sure women don't mind if they are shorter, but I guess they don't put that much confidence in shorter guys sometimes. Come on, we could be on a similar fate so why not be okay with a switch a roo. I think there was a really sweet girl who is very sociable and amiable who thought I was cute, so I guess she was like a lot taller than me and didn't care about how I looked.

There was another girl who was really tall too and she sort of came up to me and looked like she enjoyed flirting with me a little. Okay, how does a short guy like me get lucky like that and still feel like being short is a curse sometimes? Man, I need to stop feeling stigmatized about being short! If I end up marrying a woman whose like 7 feet tall than I guess I become the hero. Laying side by side, I'd probably be able to level up to her then even though taller people lay longer.

It's starting to not really be of anything bad to me now. I have learned that it's not all about how a man appears to a woman, even though an attractive guy will stir up some of those feelings. It's mainly about how the man presents himself and makes himself appear very confident. Meaning, it's important to have clean hygiene. It's some sort of aura or presence in a guy that would make a woman fall pretty crazy for him. It's like a science, I'd have to say- I'm smart enough that I have a science/engineering degree, then it shouldn't be that hard for me to read between the lines of this grey matter.