Sunday, February 1, 2015

God is Good

God is good all the time and He is just good. Anyway, today is also the Super Bowl! I'm rooting for the Patriots today even though I'm counting them out. I think it would be funny if the Patriots won after being caught for cheating.

The Bible says that whatever you do, do for the glory of God. I'm going to try my best to live my life for Him. As always, the Bible says that the Word is God brings life in that it provides a sense of purpose and inner peace that can't be found anywhere else. I've experienced this light from drawing near to Jesus.

I think God cured me of my mental disease of just being so angry all the time. I now have like two emotions- joyfulness or anger. It's pretty funny, but that's how I feel. I don't feel like the things that used to make me so angry are such a big deal now. I don't really care if others have a problem with me about it. I'll just stop whatever I can, if they tell me they have a problem.