Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Leviticus 11:20-23

Verse 20 states that all flying insects on all fours are an abomination. However, in verse 21, God allows the Israelites to eat every flying insect that have jointed legs above their feet with which to leap on the earth.

In verse 22, God provides examples: the locust, destroying locus, cricket, and grasshopper. Grasshopper actually tastes pretty good; I've tried it once. I bit off the head and then tore into its carcass that was BBQ'ed in some sauce. It was awesome. Okay, grasshopper. I'm like the master that eats students for lunch. Just kidding.

Verse 23 states that every other flying insect which have four feet are an abomination. Okay, I'll have to agree in there based on feelings from my point of view. Why would I let myself suffer?