Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Leviticus 11:24-25

Verse 24 states that the Israelites will become unclean if any one them touches the carcass of any of those unclean animals and creatures God had mentioned. Verse 25 states that whoever carries part of the carcass shall then wash his or her clothes and be unclean until the evening.

It seems like for many reasons and possibly unintentional for being the best reason, Israelites could have broken these commands from God. By being unclean, I'm not sure if it was still treated like a sin. Probably not entirely because in the New Testament with Peter chowing down on unclean animals, God didn't really hold him accountable for that.

Another thing that comes to my mind is how God is so merciful about being forgiving. It's like having trouble with a person who broke your favorite lawn chair on accident. If someone did that and I didn't like the person, then well I would be having a hard time getting over it. In the Bible, God is reputedly quick to forgiving His genuinely, repenting followers like King David and Saul for a short time before Saul started messing up and getting lost in his own craziness. Yeah, I guess that can happen for people whose favorite color is blue. I'm not saying that is Saul's favorite color, it's mine!

Turning to God is really the answer to all of life's problems. Just like what happened to Job when he was living a nightmare, Job never lost his faith in God. It's just like me, I can be so blinded in my path and not know everything, but if I were able to turn to God and seek after His ways and comfort, then things would be so much better for me and then I would have the strength to overcome the same obstacles that have sought to bring me down.