Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Touch of God's Hand

Living in life with the farthest reaches that test the boundaries of extremities.
To find and reawaken one's true longing and seach in life.
Being once in a world full of deceit and catastrophic, anxieties create depression.
On a search for truth and wisdom, finding a physical medium to connect with God.
The Devil planned many different obstacles to get me from knowing Christ.
Nothing surpasses Christ, not even the greatest and sultry movie scenes.
No creation can be above God, who is the source of all inspiration.
Some deny the truth of their existence, and that is to downgrade to relativism.
Our hearts were created for a purpose to define and be illustrous in this life-time.
May the Word of God seek and make its way through your hearts.
Whatever temptations that prevent you from coming to know God.
Let them all pass by just accepting that we are all weak and need a savior.
Wise men choose the path of righteousness and fools take their own path.