Thursday, April 30, 2015

Really Really Good Things

I guess right now I'm learning to become a very patient all over again. When I'm by myself, I am a very mean jerk and annoying person. Around others, I don't really let those true colors show that much. It's only when I become irritated that I become that way to that person, but for the most part, I am aware of those annoying feelings and how it bothers me.

I think it's a good thing to recall those bothersome incidents and to re-live them over and over again, while continuing to move forward in life. By doing so, it can help out with making minor adjustments in how you interact with others.

Okay, this is a very private and personal matter that I'm bringing up on this blog. I'm not going into the full details of how it happened because anyone could be reading this post and then become affected by it. The last few posts may have been rambunctious, but it was a hilarious romp for me. I've been gaining so much confidence in interacting with angry and annoyed people. It's actually funny to observe from a distance how they end up self-regretting some of the things they said.

People annoy each other all the time. It's just a fact and something we can't get away from. Some are better at blocking it out than others. One of the things that's been contributing to my new confidence and rude behaviors is from just not personally caring about it now. It's just been whether I'm in the mood or not now.