Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Years Eve

This seems pretty silly but it's just out of random that I'm writing this from three months ago. The effect is like this. I'm in the present writing now, but later on if I ever read this post again then it will be in the past already and I will be reading it like how it is supposed to be! At this point in time, I'm not very well-disciplined and I'm only doing this fun and no pay. It's also okay because this has turned out to be a small hobby of mine, while cheating some time at work and feeling I have this sense of responsibility to keep this thing going. 

Also, this Gmail program has this AI that auto-corrects my bad grammar as I type and I never knew that I could make so many mistakes! It's funny because I thought I was great at spelling and grammar while not making any sense to others for a while. It's pretty neat to have this natural feeling of being a decent communicator with writing. For the most part, I feel lucky in that I'm writing about solutions to my problems and trying to force it on people who decided to walk out on my life from just emailing them. Such negativity is hard to bond with and it's also so inappropriate to respond back like that in any way! 

There's a discipline to conduct yourself in the right sort of way, and I started picking up on these things from having an annoying relationship with a close female friend who wants to call me a brother! You see, it's quite rude and offensive to me because it's like she's already trying to say nicely, "No, I don't ever want to date you so don't ever talk about it." Actually, I can live with it and if I couldn't while getting so mad and not being able to control these feelings, I would have walked out on her already like a sore loser and how several people became that way with me already because they were stuck in their own form of low life negativity. 

What bothers me even more is that she's not even my real sister! Dude, nothing is ever going to make her born to be my actual blood relative. I don't care how much nonsense she says. It will never be the same. We're just pals and she happens to think it isn't rude to say it while not understanding me too well. 

Anyhow, I have proposed a compromise. She can call me family. Now that's a cool flexible word that doesn't get my blood boiling. I'd be happy to call her family, but she can't say anything related to blood-related terms because it will never be the same and to me, it would be like mocking a very special relationship that I was born to have with only one sibling. She has more than one disappointing sibling, so I guess she can't see it my way too well sometimes.