Monday, August 31, 2009

Today, life is good. I think that I have a lot of good people in my life. Sometimes, it's hard to reflect on what life is all about. I guess when you are so deep down nervous inside and then you feel like people are starting to harass you, it's a really hard thing to stay calm inside. Hmm, no wonder they think you would need to get some professional help. They pretty much would rather focus on providing very bad advice.

I also realize that you don't have all the time in the world. You need to prioritize. Some people are about money. I don't think these people are really doing something that's all that great. Some people are all about themselves. I don't think being selfish and closed off from the world gives you a meaningful life. I think just spending even at least 5 minutes a day on something, could equate to a year. The power of consistency in the time you give into something is so vital and should be a discipline.

Just imagine sleeping in about 8 hours. That only leaves 16 hours to get your stuff in. People who are overly invested could spend like 12 hours on something. That only leaves like 4 hours to do stuff. Hmm, being overly patient and super-slow could be a burden in some cases. It's best to have great concentration and focus. Having some truly close friends to spend time with is very meaningful and vital.