Saturday, January 14, 2017

Wasting Time Again

I guess I was feeling a little sick today from catching a cold but oh well, that's how it really is. I just stayed inside really and didn't do much. I should make better plans with socializing with more people though. It might do me much better from actually being a people person.

Well for starters, I could really start reading the Bible again. Right now, the habits that I would personally like to fix include watching TV and playing card games. I think I just need to control my urges for those things and just man it out even though it's hard.

It's so easy to just sit there and just turn it on and then just lose oneself over it. One thing I'm starting to notice though is that it's not really doing me much. I think the reason why I've been doing it all this time is because it's being acting as sort of a security blanket for me. I could just let it go.