Thursday, August 30, 2007

Local churches can impact lives

I believe that everyone's walk with Jesus has been a lot of ups and downs. Being people who can't be people without sins, I think the Enemy is at an advantage in this world. So many are dying without the gospel, and what I fear is that today's churches are growing stale about evangelizing. Surely, I say the Holy Spirit anoints those who take time off to share their faith in a group. There is strength in numbers, but there's a gift all Christians individually possess. They can use it to minister to the people around them, who God will direct to them.
All Christians must remember their testimony, which is very unique and quite relatable with others. The Great Commission is not limited to a select few; it's for the whole Body of Christ, even children who've accepted Him at the age of five. Those little ones can be a model teachers look up to at school or even put on a delightful play while roleplaying the greats. I can just think of a mini-Moses suit and a wig-beard they could put on. Abide in Christ's love by obeying Jesus and he will abide in you. Ask in His name for God's kingdom, and all the desires in your heart shall be met. Do you hear his calling?