Saturday, February 25, 2012

How To Be Successful At I.T.

Basically stay off of drugs, period. Don't do drugs and maybe when dire circumstances or depressing situations occur for a person (for example, removing one's wisdom teeth) then maybe it's okay to pop a pill or two to go to sleep and being all drowsy at work. Personally, I think it's really a lot of gaining intuition and just not giving up at accomplishing something. It takes accomplishing a lot of small things sometimes intuitively to get to the final step to make it happen. It's like running through steps over and over again and then when I get stuck, I just want to shut down my computer and cry.

It's okay to cry even though I don't really cry like I did when I was ten years old. I hit the screen so hard to try to break it and it didn't break so I regret that moment as a kid. I then punched in a different command on the key because I acted like I was going to boss it around and then it started working again. I guess from then on, it's like from having those frustrated moments playing out all the time, it's about not giving up and enduring until getting to the last step.

I understand it because I've been there and done that. I now created a secret weapon which is like cheating on a test. I just google for stuff when I'm stuck and want to be lazy.