Thursday, March 6, 2014

Effective Time Management

I'm actually away right now from home, so I won't really be having that much time to start blogging this month. I'm noticing that my posts have this style where I'm just going off to some place and then closing in something as my conclusion. Well, that's just my own personal feelings that I'm tapping into right now.

It's pretty neat how I'm starting to appreciate the works of others now. It's so cool that I allow myself to have an open heart and to hear what others have to communicate for themselves, even though I might not fully agree with everything they have to claim. I'm actually a whole heck of a lot different these days, and it's really for the better. The interesting part is that my life has been very interesting to some people who question me to talk about my own candid life.

By opening up about the stuff that depressed me, other guys usually end up laughing from the humor I've come to terms with out of the suffering. These days, I'm realizing that time management should really come from what interests us a great deal. Even if it's not the most ideal choice at the moment, we are all people with slightly different tastes. I think it's important to respect the preferences of others and to even be able to work with those differences and to come to an amiable, working relationship.

Basically, a lot of my time spent now isn't really going to be about watching T.V. so much anymore. I think I'm born to really study as boring as it sounds. I'm bored of studying and even hate it, but can't make much in life without it; especially, for a topic that interests me a great deal and convicts me with a good opportunity to make some money! Instead of just playing games and watching movies and getting carried away with trying to look at girls while being lonely and getting more depressed on the Internet, I'm going to spend my time with what I want to develop into and just allow those rewards to just keep adding on to myself. I'm going to live my life and accept what comes out of it, but I do want to keep a fully Christian based mindset; that's probably the main difference that would set me apart from being an average-minded, short, and swearing guy. I did a whole lot of searching for answers when I was little and up onto now within my heart. I am having fun though.