Saturday, July 26, 2014

Genesis 6

From Genesis 5, I forgot to mention how the Bible mentioned that a family led by Lamech became blessed with Noah, who would responsible for building the ark and leading his family through the great flood we've come to hear about. There are legends from other ancient cultures that also mimic this tale of a great flood. Could it just be a coincidence?  Also, scientific research is also showing that quite possibly, analyzing some canyons like the Grand Canyon might fit better with the model of a flood causing so much water damage from all that pressure build up in the past. It's sort of like going through a movement of changes in the past from religion to science, but some smart Christians have decided to embed science into their faith to try to diminish the room for doubting in their faith and encourage others to take up the cross. It also gives room to believe even stronger with more reasonable evidence in the Christian faith, even if it ticks off a lot of other religious leaders and doubters. They definitely would then have some emotional problems that need to get resolved.

Genesis 6 seems to talk about how the world ended up multiplying and having so much fun with partying like college kids with their fraternity and sorority parties. I'm not going into so much detail because I want to be like little kids could read this and laugh too while adults do the same. I heard in verse 2 talking about the "sons of God". I heard someone outright jump onto that verse and say that fallen angels took wives and their kids became giants. I'm not so sure about it- for now, it seems like for my reasonable thought is that sons of God is another way of saying male children of God. These male children of God started getting really fancy towards a multitude of women, just like the Muslim faith where guys would want to die for that in their messed up view of heaven.

The Lord than said in Verse 3 that instead of living like a thousand years, man is only going to live up to about 120 years. I think one lady reached the 120 mark in this generation of people living. It's so rare to find people living that long now. Also from Genesis 5, I recalled Enoch living only 365 years. We have only 365 days in a year with exception to a leap year, so that's how I remember it coincidentally. Enoch ended up like vanishing or something like that in Genesis 5:24. Could that be an example of the concept of rapture? There's this movie called Left Behind coming out. Rapture is a concept of people being taken up by God. A believer with an interesting twist in his faith was complaining about how that's considerably selfish. Oh come on now!

In verse 8, mankind took a twist of fate all thanks to one man Noah because he found grace in the eyes of the Lord!

A thing about the Bible is that obedient people who follow God's commands with all their hearts are considered to be righteous. Genesis 6:9 says that "Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God." Besides the world being corrupted with so much partying going on and abuse of other people, there was also much violence. People basically had emotional problems that turned them aggressive and impulsive about finding pleasure of some sort that Sigmund Freud talked about. It's similar to Cain having felt problems with his brother Abel. It's just wrong to go off killing your own sibling over a simple emotion of feeling angry with him. It seems like the world was filled with a lot of this mess at the time, and it even occurs somewhat today among strangers.

The tie in verse of this chapter seems to be found in Verse 18-19 where God told Noah, "But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark- you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you. And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female." God pretty much had a detailed plan and ensured for the survival and posterity of His creation. Just this full command to Noah with God's plan seemed to be so profound and to take care of everything. I'm in with trying to read the whole Bible again; I wonder what God's plan He has for me to accomplish and to gain from this go around again.