Thursday, February 9, 2017

Online Dating Update

Well it looks like the person who said her dad passed away hasn't really texted me back and says she's really busy. Okay, this is contrary from what I remember awhile ago from what a scammer did to me.

I think if I really came clean on here with everything that I did then it would be pretty therapeutic. I tell my friends all the time and I guess that's where it happens to be appropriate. There's just one topic in my head that I think isn't too appropriate for minors so I'm going to try to avoid it.

Yeah, I'm sure from me talking about it. It probably would make this blog seem to be less childish. I'll really think about it in pouring out everything I have to say.

As long as it's not illegal, I can live with being honest on here. The only thing though is that it might be better not to because what if I lost my sense. Yeah, I don't feel too comfortable talking about some topics personally. I might as well go for what feels okay to discuss about.