Friday, June 17, 2016

Blessed To Be A Part Of Life

I guess a lot of the inside things that I'm talking about is something that only I would personally know. I think having a blog and treating it like a journal and with the possibility that people I wouldn't want to see it, makes writing on this blog so daring!

It's that excitement of trying to go somewhere and even though I was faltering through lack of personal discretion, I'm definitely glad that gaining some valuable friendships have shaped me into a better person than I am today. It's probably just one friendship that has made the difference for me in seeing how other friends come into play for me. I'm feeling so much more stability. Could this relationship really be a spiritual blessing intended by God?

Maybe my reward lies in having labored to be a patient individual and from having a friend I actually cherish, I've been willing to put up with all of it. Maybe it's unconditional love that I'm developing or something but it's been a powerful influence for me and a mighty factor in leading me to a more suitable living.