Monday, September 21, 2009

Going on break

Today, I suppose that I get a chance to really study hard now. I think God has blessed me with the ability of having reasonable assumptions and to not get so mad that I entirely lose my cap and go into a mental institution. Even if I do get mad, I think I like to believe that people with turning it around any day then there is reward in it. There is no joy in trying to cut off people for the sake of obtaining something selfish because you are just not being any good person then.

I see that it's okay to want to please others to a certain extent and to feel guilty about it for awhile. Then, when the anger kicks in just pray to God and know that some people have the ability to help and to really feel compassionate with you. If you don't see any of them right now in your life, then perhaps I could introduce you to a friend of mine. He lived and died a long time ago and this may sound crazy but he rose from the dead and a myriad of witnesses claimed he went to heaven and performed miracles for the sake of providing eternal salvation. This man's name is Jesus. Jesus claimed to be God and stated that he loved all men that none should perish but have everlasting life, if they would turn from the wicked bondage of a common enemy and cast their eyes in true freedom.