Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jesus Loves You

Sometimes one of the hardest things is living life without reassurance of what you are doing. I believe that by exercising faith in Jesus, it could mean a lot of good things. Jesus said in the Bible that he would send the Holy Spirit to believers who would confess that they are sinners and accept him as their savior. It's a totally simple concept but very hard for people living in the flesh to realize. I really think that Jesus can solve anything, if you truly want to live out in testimony of him. My personal confidence is getting to a level that is consistent, just by wanting to confess my sins daily to him and being able to face it. There's no more need for depression, mental disorders, or angry outbursts. Being able to live to endure temptations and not give into them anymore makes me feel so much more happier. It's all thanks to something underneath me that wants to reach out to God. I know that I continue to fall short daily and that I can't have a perfect walk with Jesus. My heart has truly come to accept Jesus as my true savior, without any need to display personal strength and pride in my ways. If I were to be so prideful about myself, I would be only mocking the true gospel.