Friday, September 18, 2009

Just a Post

Today, I'm just trying to basically study really hard. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I'm just in the mode of figuring out what I really want for myself and to actually do it. I don't think I really have that big of any problems. Everything is just a big misconception sometimes.

The only thing that really remains a light to me is following a relationship with Jesus. I know it's really hard for me to follow him all the time and to also preach the gospel. I guess I just have my struggles in that area and how I wish to be used by God. I'm totally in this stage where my sexual temptations are starting to get me wondering about getting married to an attractive woman. I don't want to continue living in sin.

I'm going to prioritize and learn to give enough effort. It's very difficult, but I think it's really beneficial and helpful.