Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Understanding "Me"

I'm starting to notice that memories in the past may not really be all that helpful sometimes. It's great to rely on feelings and the present situation and the fun part is sometimes stirring doubt in others who seem to complain a lot. I'm just really pausing right now and wanting to basically say acceptable things over the internet. It's more of a discipline because I feel like I am more capable of writing seemingly interesting things that would stir laughter in third parties.

I really understand myself and what's best for me. Basically, it's just allowing myself to bear my own emotions whenever I have any natural doubt about something. I don't think there's anything wrong with others not wanting you to be their best friend. That's a really rude thing to impose on. Just going up for balance is so important. My sister seems to point out that my main fault or problem is not being able to talk properly. I really know how I'm supposed to succeed now and how spending so much time wallowing in my own shadows is not really going to be all that great.

It's just important to read the situation really well and to ask like the most comprehensive questions and then to be able to naturally assess the actions of others. People sometimes are faulty in this area and could not be looked upon as that serious. I think it's best to seek for the best advice by praying to God and being patient under His own timing. It is actually a flawless method that is sometimes really hard to understand.