Thursday, September 10, 2009

Only Time Will Tell

I seriously realize the effect that my writing can really have and that people can view things differently. Oh, I understand that people can have the ability to be mad with me and say another thing. This whole issue sometimes can worsen to the maximum thing, but nothing bad would be really happening. I understand that I do have a moral sense of responsibility. I totally forgot a lot about myself, and where I really came from. I don't really need people telling me how to live anymore. I think I've grown up enough to understand so many different points. It really does not matter for me what happened as of this moment. I'm only going to grow stronger because of the faith that I'm putting in Christ. Not the kind who is a wishing well, but I'm just dwelling on the true authenticity who lived a perfect, sacrificial life.

All my pains are made little and like chaff that is blown away. Sure, it's nothing right now and I know that there are bigger pains in life. Maybe, God is setting me up right now for the biggest stage in my life. I'm going to live a good life and a very big one.