Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Constant Motion Through Hard Work

During these past months, I've been at times agitated to the point of wanting to fantasize the ruining of a few people's lives. It always has to be just that one person to spoil the fun, huh? I must be like that to a few people already too.

The problem really lies in my own sins and not really placing my focus on the right things nor being aware of it. I'm having a little hard time sometimes with fully focusing on stuff at work because I just want to think about something else and have a good time over it or find a solution to it. Luckily, I'm not someone who would be diagnosed with A.D.H.D. because I already am aware of my situation. I just need to make a keen and strong effort- that's about it.

Lately, my mind and heart has been really put to work for overcoming some minor setbacks. I'm really enjoying the ideals of working so hard now. On top of placing God first in my life through the pages of the Scripture, I want to become successful in terms of having lots of money, more intelligent and nice, stylish and cool in terms of fashion with great hygiene, and athletic. I basically think that chasing after the cream-of-the-crop lady to marry will motivate me very strong to pursue after those goals. It just ties really well for me and helps me get my act together.