Friday, December 26, 2014

Things I Value

I just finished watching this boring lecture of the three, most highly boring habits of people. The three things are in order: 1.) they write things down, 2.) reduce to the essentials, and 3.) stop and question. I do those three things quite a lot, so that makes me a pretty boring person then, I get it.

For writing things down, it really comes down to categorizing to what you love to do and things you hate. Out of those two things, you separate them to what's important to you and isn't. Most people are very good at doing the first two things and organizing their lives around it. Researchers say that a person can have up to fifty things happening at once.

Let's start with my favorite category: the things I hate and think is a waste of time for myself to get into.

1.) Boring T.V. shows
2.) Addiction to porn and its after-effects (I won't talk about it on this blog.)
3.) Annoying friends
4.) Listening to Mom's advice about success
5.) Reading spam e-mail.
6.) Beating boring and hard video games
7.) Gambling and losing money
8.) Watching reruns
9.) Scrolling through TV Guide and finding nothing interesting to watch
10.) Buying things that accumulate space and never get around to using
11.) Playing fun video games or watching shows for so long and then feeling bad for losing track of time and focus.
12.) Feeling like I have nothing to do and then doing one of these bad things on the category.
13.) Thinking about the past and feeling bad about it while wanting to shout bad words when no one is looking.
14.) Having to deal with scam artists online, who say they want to date me.
15.) Sorting through excess stuff that doesn't pertain to me when I'm doing stuff that I like online.
16.) Going to places with people involved and not feeling like I'm playing an active role.
17.) Losing focus from having vanity.
18.) Driving to places I've never been to and getting a little lost to find my way back home.
19.) Forgetting my place at a big, parking lot.
20.) Feeling cheated after having put in so much time and not getting much out of it.
21.) Feeling depressed about how short of a person I am.
22.) Getting carried away because of brats making me so angry,
23.) Forcing myself to do stuff I'm not interested in.

A thing I love and hate at the same time is messaging and playing pranks on brats (mostly, former friends) I am angry with while worrying about getting in trouble and sent to prison. I feel so excited, scared, and very angry at the same time for about getting revenge. That's a thing that belongs in Step 3, stop and question. For now, it seems like the best results occur when I initiate contact with them and make a strong motivated talk of how I'm going to leave them alone for some significant amount of time and then live up to it. They love it when they don't have to do anything in return for me. It's a compromise that gets started by me and ends with me; I'm like the higher being, just saying from a jocular standpoint. I wonder if I could force them to believe that they don't know themselves too well by playing a game of negotiating the terms for leaving them alone. It would probably get them to be quiet and I would have absolute and total control of the situation while they just don't talk negative about me because they just stay quiet about it.

These are some of the things I love doing while thinking it wastes time:

1.) Snowboarding
2.) Bowling
3.) Reading up about stuff on the Internet.
4.) Watching cool shows like some, violent anime series and movies.
5.) Very cool and awesome video games and fun games to play with buddies.
6.) Making myself more self-hygienic looking, like trying to grow my hair.
7.) Trying to make myself appear or become taller.
8.) Making time for friends.
9.) Playing my piano and experimenting with music.
10.) Reading books, stories, and comic books.
11.) Posting pictures of myself on Facebook.
12.) Writing on this blog
13.) Having a hard time with learning something new that interests me.
14.) Trying to flirt and find dates online or in person with someone that's right for me. / Trying to get married.
15.) Looking for a group to hang out with.
16.) Playing brain games to make myself smarter.
17.) Trying to learn a new language.
18.) Improving things I currently work with.
19.) Upgrading to a better future.
20.) Investing and trading money
21.) Spending money for doing fun activities
22.) Family activities
23.) Challenging myself
24.) Putting in the extra effort and trying to go the extra mile.
25.) Looking to live my life on a constant high without doing drugs, but just from hard work.

This is something that I think I hate and have to put up with:

1.) Work
2.) Militaristic style type of training.

The next step is to pretty much eliminate the stuff I hate and think is a waste of time as much as possible and then replace them with the things I love that wastes time, while constantly questioning myself along with the motives and appeals. I already know what I like doing and think is important so I don't need to list those things.