Monday, March 13, 2017

Aww Man

I've been out of this for almost two weeks now. Looks like I'm playing a little quick catch up. Okay I'm looking to try to get back onto the spiritual route again with Jesus. Jesus isn't baloney to me and I guess my weakness to me is that I'm very much a human being.

I just don't believe in doing some things blatantly out of nothing. I totally believe in not fornicating, but I'm tempted all the time basically. That's what pornographic material does to people.

What I have to admit that I've been doing is that I've been to trying to excuse my sin of indulging myself in that material by arguing to myself that a little won't hurt me. I'm pretty much very much into the idea of sharing a great physical love life and high activity that includes athleticism maybe with just the heterosexual spouse. I'm really iffy about homosexuality too because it's not really blessed by God and kind of something that mankind does to please themselves.

Love comes in all forms right? It shouldn't matter who we choose to love and all of that right? Is homosexuality really a love or is it just indulging in lustful behavior like heterosexuality for people who go with multiple partners?

These questions really can challenge people who never really think about it. It's just laziness if you tell me, but if you present the information right for both sides, it doesn't matter after both let out their steam. This is human nature that I've been coming to recognize as a person myself whose made a few people mad about disagreeing with homosexuality.