Saturday, March 18, 2017

Just the Basics For Me

I guess my basics now is to pretty much just find time after work to work out, do a little trading, and studying a little bit of the Bible each day. I would love to do this. On top of this, I would also like to cook my own meals instead of being reliant of having to go buy it every time. Another thing is that I would like to continue developing in music, song, and dance. Programming on the computer or something related to doing IT is pretty much my last deal, so that's pretty much like my favorite five things that I want to stay on top of if I can each day.  Oh yeah, I would also like to make some time to socialize with people to so I really ought to make the best of this.

I can't really let myself get so carried away with playing video games and watching movies or TV by myself now. I'm letting myself just go and time just flies by fast without me realizing it. I should just ignore those activities and control the self-pressure and out of it feeling I'm going through and just follow through. What makes it hard is that I'm worried about overdoing it and putting myself into some type of depression. I'm a little scared in that sense so I've been just relaxing with games and TV to just try to offset those weird feelings of mine sometimes. I guess I'm trying to distract myself from reality like a drug in some sense. Maybe, I would be a stronger person if I managed those feelings and worked hard to be a successful millionaire with a six pack.