Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pretty Flattered

It's pretty cool that this really sexy and hot lady was trying to pursue after me on Facebook. She is a real person who actually updates her Facebook profile with her own personal photos. She is a self-made, part-time model. Wow, she is actually pretty hot and she was kinda into me while messaging me about asking me to chat with her and stuff. It was a little nerve-wrecking for me in her approach, but I guess I love the fact that she wanted to give me a chance for whatever reason she felt was good.

I pretty much bumbled the opportunity like I have in the past with other attractive women too. I'm pretty stupid in that I inadvertently push these beautiful women out of my life because of my personal complexes that I can't get over and then become depressed later after realizing how I let a really beautiful woman in my life go. It's pretty much heart-breaking, but maybe I also broke her heart in the wrong way too at the time by not responding properly to her call.