Thursday, January 23, 2014

Achieving Optimal Fitness Level

Honestly, I imagine myself doing back flips off a picnic table and landing on my feet in grass someday. I also believe that having six-pack abs and some decent muscles will provide a better advantage in finding a slightly more physically attractive spouse to enjoy life with.

This just feels weird, but now I don't care about being short. Just last year, I was feeling all down and out with how short I was, but now, I just plain don't care. I'm roughly about maybe 5' 3" 1/4 for a guy and yeah, it surprises a bunch of people when they see my big-bone frame and actually hear what my height is. Some tall individuals from both genders have commented on how I'm so short, but with the more average crowd, I haven't received that many taunts like that.

Tall or short, a person can work out with a strict program and gain the strength and nice-looking abs to feel the confidence and gain that sense of personal accomplishment which could attract the opposite gender! For guys, this might actually be a great thing to strive with.