Thursday, January 23, 2014

IPhone 5S

The above image depicts an iPhone with a Mophie charger attached to it. My family had to get our mobile phone plan renewed so we ended up going shopping for the latest phones that are out in the market. Everyone except for me chose the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3! I thought it was really cool with all the possible features but the phone felt too bulky for me to fit in my pocket.

So far, I've really enjoyed using the iPhone because of mainly its battery power and pretty fast processor! It uses about only 10% with the amount of time I use it for everyday, compared to my Galaxy Nexus I used to use which would immediately get used up and then turn off! It was pretty annoying, and I thought I would get around it by buying a powerful portable charger, which was great until I realized the Mophie charger would just be something you attach to the iPhone and easily keep with you in your pocket. Awesome!

I haven't even really needed to switch on the charger, but what's even cooler is that Mophie is coming out with a new attachable charger which can also store up to 32 GB of more apps and songs! That's just way too cool.