Monday, January 6, 2014

Little Do's and Do Not's List

I feel good about finally figuring out who my ideal type of girl is after maybe a couple decades. She knows it and is pretty cool about it too! I guess that's just what is going on my head, and I'm just marveling over it and trying to worship God or something regarding it.

For my Do Not's, I'm going to try to focus on these more rather than my do's because I've been thinking about what I want to do all this time, and I'm just going to do them anyway even if I waste my time trying to figure out what I'm going to be doing. Basically, I'm going to limit watching T.V. - basically screw television, I hate it with how it's wasting my time! The Simpsons is like the best show on earth from being the longest running show with the same cast, but they are so funny; and I enjoy watching it. Even so, I need to focus on my priorities first. A lot of awesome anime and movies are out there too, but I really should accomplish the boring stuff my insecure friend always complains about. I want to be well off now and in order to do it, I'm going to have to be hard working. There's just no other way around it, and I don't care how hard it is because my feelings have been beat up so much already in that I know what to expect now and can actually handle myself.