Monday, January 5, 2015

A Breath of Fresh Air

For the last couple years, I was going through mood swings because of how my angry responses scared away some bratty friends after they chose to block me on Facebook. I'm like Facebook doesn't care about them! They aren't special or anything and have issues dealing with their own bothered feelings because they are just impatient and unwilling to deal with things they see as very annoying.

What made everything worse for them was that after I responded very mad, I ended up trying to bond with them again. This made them think of me as a scary person or something bad and they had a pretty hard time with me.

Okay, I feel a lot more at peace now for everything that happened. It feels like something that happened yesterday still and to just stay relaxed about and to continue to work hard to be a nice person. I could have slaughtered them in a shouting or ridiculing match, like I have done in the past, but that made me feel guilty and as I result, I became sad. I think I would feel really good if I beat them while being a nice person. It's been very difficult and takes a lot of time to solve problems using that method, but the reward just feels so much sweeter.

I feel like that one girl who says to stop calling her, Stacy Betty and ended up giving me a lot of time to talk to her is my ex! I feel like she has a weird green glow and something is wrong with her. Nonetheless, I couldn't commit anything with another girl named Annie who I thought was hot at the time. After using Google to see her photos and wedding video a few years later, she turned out to be uglier than I had imagined while still having the same physique. It's so weird how the body and mind can play tricks with you. What if I ended up with her in marriage and I became dissatisfied and had to put up with her appearance and bad personality for the rest of my life. Man, that would suck!

I talked with Stacy Betty about committing to a relationship, and she was open with me about it. After bugging her so much, she says she already has a boyfriend and isn't interested in me. Wow, she's only the third girl whose taller than me to have been interested. The fourth taller girl wanted to go all the way with me, but I turned her down because she wanted to rush things on the second date.