Monday, January 12, 2015

Oh My Gosh, The Mind Is Working!

I am so darn good at winning silly arguments with crazy people now. I haven't been able to confirm if it's for people with all walks of life. I have a talent and knack for getting somewhere in life. This time what I've been upgrading into my arsenal is being nice while working through personal adversity. By being able to keep a leveled head, I'm definitely being a consistent person and working my way to success!

What I'm taking on for preference is pretty much putting my best foot forward. I think by working hard at giving off a very strong and wonderful first impression, it gives me a bigger advantage of meeting more beautiful women. It then becomes about being able to work things out through differing personalities, and I guess that's where I get to find out about more of my sore spots and work at it, while breaking up with very pretty girls who I think have terrible personalities or are liars.