Monday, January 12, 2015

Being Center of Attention

I'm noticing for myself that I do like being the center of attention and getting it based off example. Yeah, I'm pretty decent with personality, but my actions are a little bit slow to perceiving and moving to doing the right thing.

I feel like I'm at a very vulnerable spot from writing about myself because if I was to become very angry and turned crazy then I could be admitting to doing some things that would be immoral. I think I'm going to work at being a more better person with a sense of style and continue to develop in the area of my health. I do have a job which is good for me.

I'm going to try to avoid experiences that have left me feeling worn out in the past for some purpose that didn't quite add up for me. For example, playing online poker for money left me feeling at a loss because I felt cheated out of my money when I worked so hard for a favorable position to gain the win. I don't really like the feeling, so I'm never going to do it again.

From also liking the idea of being the center of attention, I hate people poking and making fun of me so much in a negative way. I think others are like this also because I honestly do it to others too. I don't mean to do it often from trying to be nice, but I've done it on occasion. I guess it really doesn't matter then what people think so much about me. It only matters if I'm doing something so wrong that I would have to be placed charges for it.