Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Going Back To School

I have only a Bachelor's in Computer Science. It's really not that much, even though some people would feel a little jealous or wish they had gone to college for the experience. My best friend is not really that smart and pretty much got put on academic probation, which really sucks. He wasn't partying and drinking at frat parties like a spoiled rotten kid. He just wasn't born that very intelligent. He tries so hard to analyze situations and gets carried away into his own dream world often and will communicate how he's right and just justify by saying it sounds right. I don't really like that about him either because it gets annoying sometimes.

Anyway, I am going back to school for a Master's now in Information Technology. I'm choosing the online path with a well-accredited online school that's very affordable. For myself, I just have like this love and hate relationship with programming software. I just keep on pushing even through all of that mental stress and feeling overwhelmed by the programming task. One thing that is for certain and how another forgotten colleague agreed with me in is that finishing the coding of project and getting it working feels very good! I used to program in the last minute and stay up for an all night-er.

Imagine I had very good time management, then I would have had enough time to download answers into my brain for acing my exams! I became like a very fast pro at programming projects. It was something I put my heart and soul into and something I still do to this day. However, if I could add in better time management with my schedule; oh man, I'll be rocking with straight A's. I read from a blog of a guy with a Ph. D. that to be successful in the I.T. world, you have to be a good at coding. This is something I have down pretty well, so if I only invest my time wisely, I can be in it for the long haul.

I think graduate school is like my second chance at life with becoming a programmer. I became good at it with a Bachelor's and felt like I wasn't noticed and became burnt out from procrastinating so much and then passing the courses. I was so on it with programming and managed to make all of my projects work. I'm so happy that I was able to do that. The written exam portions, man I would just completely bomb those exams. It was from the result of poor time management and having a hard time staying awake in class and meditating on all the theories.