Monday, January 19, 2015

So Much To Try

I met up with a close female friend and technically it was a date, but more along the lines of just catching up and staying friends. Bluntly speaking, it's nothing dealing with her but I'm not really attracted to her. I'm just using her to learn new things about myself and to also discover how people perceive me.

I don't really know how, but I just like connecting with people even if they have issues with me. I believe that you have to work at things from the bottom-up because it's the experience and lessons you learn from a first-hand basis that help shape you as a person. I feel like I did something wrong, but I don't think they'll be talking about it and it won't pop up in national news to put me in a negative light because the incident isn't even that big and funny for others. Let's see if that happens the next few minutes for me.