Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Building Confidence

I feel like I don't really have everything going yet and that I really need to spend some more time developing while going out more with different types of people. That's why they have meetup.com for all the busy people who get rejected by common people, who don't feel it's necessary to go out and have fun.

I'm trying to get into the habit of prayer and reading the Bible daily. I feel a little stuck because I feel tied to reading the Scriptures and blogging. I actually have an idea then, I'm going to conveniently write about the Bible in order then as much as I have time, but on my own personal time, I can actually read the Bible then. Reading is way more faster than writing for me.

I'm going to get myself a membership gym then because I think I need to avoid exposure to the sun and also I can have fun breaking treadmills and exercise equipment at the expense of the gym. I have a habit of abusing equipment and breaking them with disregard for others.

I really like that idea of using a treadmill to do some trail running. I could probably hook up a tablet to also watch movies or listen to songs or whatever I have purposed in my heart to do. Maybe I could try to read a book even while exercising on the treadmill! I have so much ideas that I'm blogging about right now and thinking of trying.

I'm really thinking about combining my home and the gym to be a combination of doing some work outs. I have so much clutter in my head right now and it just shuts down when I want to be lazy and just be entertained for a short period. The entertainment feels cheap because I don't really have a family to settle down with right now. It looks like I just need to push myself and be stressed out even if I feel like I'm going to fail. I think that's how my best friend is- he feels like he's going to fail and that it's going to be hopeless after getting negative signs. He's really basing his life off of perceiving signs and wonders with his feelings of happiness or anything negative. He also likes to work against the tide and ignore everything bad, but then opts out in a positive note. Basically, he's taking a break from pursuing his goals while thinking like he's a champion. I don't really like that about him.