Friday, July 22, 2022

Ready to Find Love

I have been doing some reading up on what a friend says is basic, but nonetheless it's helpful to me because it saves time from having to go out and acquire it with real world experience. In a sense, I think what I'm doing is better and also necessary since I'm now ready to find myself a fiancee. 

Finding love shouldn't really be a thing that's forced upon others nor really questioned if the person isn't ready for it. It's not something that needs to be addressed and what I believe is that, you don't need an erotic love partner to have fulfillment in this life. 

I think finding love is really something that happens on an individual basis and even if there's some insecurity or sadness, it's okay to leave alone. I believe it's something that needs to be settled by the individual, and it's not a problem to me if the person never gets there. 

For a friend to have constantly brought it up with me and not do anything about it for himself, it was really pestering me. I think he does have a form of autism from not being able to understand or try to relate to what I felt was wrong about him. He only ends up trying to change the topic.