Thursday, July 21, 2022

Approaching Financial Independence

Personally, I'm happy to be living the life I have going now. It's to the best of my ability and what makes things so exciting for me is that I anticipate working hard to keep on making it better to reap so many benefits later. It doesn't matter when it's going to end for me because I have learned to always live with this mindset. 

I'm now open to marrying someone who can help me approach this goal faster. I think with the current potential love partner I will be meeting next week, I'm going to be trying to plant some seeds that will convince her that she's the right wife for me. I'm only looking to be close enough to the ideal husband she wants. I will be just my true self and see if I can work things out with her on our first, semi-blind date.

It's really helping that I'm preparing for all of this by reading a research-backed book about falling in love! I've been totally clueless this whole time and from reading it, I'm absorbing it like a sponge. Here's a basic acronym that I will share: SOFTEN- (s)mile, (o)penness, (f)orward, (t)ouch, (e)ye contact, and (n)od.