Monday, June 30, 2014

Letting Things Go

I guess I have issues right now where I'm not spending my time wisely the way I would like to. I realize it for myself because I just don't feel right with the usual rituals that I put myself in. It seems like there's always a connection where I become motivated about doing something before I go after it.

All in all, it's just my emotions playing tricks with myself. I think I've been having a hard time settling them all this time. I really want to not engage in those wasteful activities anymore, unless it has something that I really value. I think I really wasted my weekend by not doing the productive things that I really should have done. It's like another week wasted, even though I'm working and getting paid and all of that stuff. It's just my personal time, where I'm not really developing as I would like. I'm going to have to fix that sooner or later.