Saturday, December 10, 2016

Spending Time Wisely

I could have probably brushed my teeth again before having gone to sleep and put on some Rogaine. Okay I haven't gone to the gym in a few days. I need to go back to it again and that's what I plan to do. I would like to workout on something everyday. 

Once again, I want to get back to reading the Bible again. It's going to probably be dedicating about an hour at most for me each day to study the Bible. I didn't expect it to be that long but it looks like that's where it's heading. I have to embrace it for that then I guess. 

I'm trying to get a healthy routine going everyday and would like to avoid watching T.V. and playing video games during my own personal time. For the exception of video games, I'll accept singing and dancing games and going go for doing some electric guitar practice. It actually sounds pretty fun. I guess I'll just do a little bit of that then and see what else I can do to keep my day going. 

Okay I've been playing Magic the Gathering all day now. I think I'm going to quit that and not really go for watching TV and playing other video games. I'm just going to go for socializing then and doing errands and working out and going after my current job that I want to do. 

I'm trying to get this done for myself. Overall, I'm just going to read Bible, workout, trade, run errands, indoor rock climb, do some bowling, sing, dance, play piano, learn to play guitar, socialize, snowboard which I'm now in season to do so, go to an amusement park, make virtual reality games, cook, try to grow my hair, and make room for a girlfriend or wife and family. I can just list it then. It's just that my jobs I'm doing right now are killing me and I need to get out of them sooner or later. This is pretty much my life in a nutshell.