Sunday, June 12, 2022

Figuring Out Personal Goals

It looks like my goals have become slightly more mature now for the time being. I want to eventually gain financial security, look my best, and have the best efficiency and consistency with my time management. I'm also interested in getting married but it looks like I'm only interested in the best which is hard to come by for me. I want to also be the best I can be as well and from having grown a lot, it looks like I really do have a good amount of wisdom to impart on my future kids. 

With finding a great future wife, I think it's important to block out any initial worries or lustful feelings dealing with physical attraction temporarily and then just look at the person which is the most important thing. With a close female friend, I do feel turned on and also sometimes insecure about her looks but by blocking them out, I realize that I only see her as a close friend. I sometimes feel a little bored with doing some repetitive things with her like it could be better and how she could be an even better person. She doesn't mind having me around as company every few days. I even spend nights over at her place while crashing on a sofa bed. I mean it's cool since I literally only see her as a close hangout buddy.