Saturday, June 25, 2022

Visiting My Beliefs Again With a Soulmate

Last year, I kept on mentioning in a coy way that I felt like I was stuck with only one soulmate as a compromise. There's nothing wrong about it because I learned what works for me in addressing this heart situation for myself. I need to first block out all those feelings of wanting to just have some fun from hooking up while looking at it from only the surface level. 

There have mainly been two good female friends of mine and naturally I do feel this way but I know that it's because I am tempted with having these feelings of wanting to just womanize. I've been holding back on these urges all this time and not even succeeding from the getgo because I was just too shy to make any attempts about lacking some manhood from not feeling validated enough! 

I was just thinking too superficially about everything for a while. I've finally learned to cut it out.

By taking out those lustful feelings of womanizing and considering how I feel about my soulmate, she legitimately is a soulmate of mine! In contrast with another good female friend who I have these similar tempted thoughts, I don't feel that way with her. She's still not good enough for me! 

What makes things more interesting now is that I literally do have a soulmate and it's with no doubt on my end that I don't need to boast about it to the world. I am humbled by it because I do believe that I'm never supposed to date or be married to this soulmate. I think there's practically another soulmate out there for me to marry. In fact, I think it can be potentially any woman at the right stage of their life and is still single!