Friday, November 16, 2012

Not Taking Things So Personally

I've been starting to do what a female friend has told me growing up. I'm getting the same responses from some of these female friends in that it's actually positive in that I've learned so many lessons over the past three years and am now stable on the inside. I've even managed debating against an Atheist online who is an absolute stranger without either of us losing our cool. I even laughed at some of his comments which were meant to scorn Christians. Oh well, I can see that he's a doubter so hopefully, he'll be pretty serious about challenging the evidence on Christianity and finding out for himself the actual incriminating evidence that proves his suspicions. The reason for saying this is because mostly the ones who go all the way with trying to disprove the existence of God actually end up becoming believers.

A show on The Simpsons had an episode where Homer practically became a genius at the IQ of around 110 after removing a crayon that got stuck on his brain. Because of his new gifted intelligence, he ended up coming up with the actual proof of no existence of God in a matter of minutes and gave it to his Christian neighbor Flanders. Flanders read the proof and went "Yup" and then ended up burning the paper with a lighter. I know it's just a joke because the world will probably never get to see it as long as civilization is running.