Monday, September 19, 2016

Making Choices

I think finding enjoyment with anything may really just come down to being committed with something. I was committed to passing some of my video games from several years back. I chose to be an introvert, even though I am really preferably an extrovert. I think it really came from my fondness of video games and the feeling of a reward that comes from mastering a certain thing to obtain an achievement.

It now feels silly for me to get so hyped up into a video game, unless the stakes were higher like going pro. Being a professional just doesn't seem like a lucrative career for me enough. There are too many good gamers out there who seek the same thing. I would rather just do something that's easier on me and would bring me the most cash and is something I also learned to enjoy.

I found it through trading, which is by nature very risky and can pose a lot of headaches if one does not know what he is doing. I would rather be so up the curve and within the top percentile of other competitors and just be continually diversifying it to the point that I would just become rich off of it and stay humble in how I manage my money. I don't care about grabbing it all; moreorless, it's about creating a living situation where I could be free to do other things.