Sunday, August 22, 2010

Acted Really Human

After all this time in dealing with some circumstance regarding two weird and botched civil restraining orders against me, I understand what they were about. It does not really affect me from any social standpoint, and I was just being really human about it at one point. There's still an opportunity to do well in any career that I would like to choose. It's all about hard work and giving it your all to get to the top.  My lawyer was definitely right when she spoke to the judge and stated that there was a misunderstanding. I totally agree and submitting to the civil restraining order with no defense against it is like slamming the girl who put it against me- like she's a waste of time and showing off that my family is rich and could afford legal issues that don't make any sense and wasting money on it.

I do have this haunch that it affects the people who put it on me more than it does with me personally. I totally believe that it's going to damage their reputation and overshadow them emotionally in a shameful way for the rest of their lives. The weird girl who put it on me was Darunee Lee Wongstapadat. Another guy who put it on me was Washington Chun. Supposedly one of of the best friends of Washington don't really collaborate with him as he told me even while enraged that I was the better man. I was just totally acting human and could not understand one bit of what was going on. I finally understand it completely from every standpoint and feel really good about it to the point that I don't even need to fully care about it in my life now. From now on, I know how to approach a situation where someone would want to put a civil restraining order on me. I joked around with some people who were thinking about putting a restraining order on me, and they never no longer have the will power to do it because they would rather not be the aggressor and look really foolish or controversial with the outside world and affect their personal visions with evangelizing others. I remember getting that hint of submission by Betty Lam of Hope of God Church L.A. on the phone when I called her up one day. She was totally confused and frustrated about something- like she was being left out. I did a good job with her and could be rewarded with a chance of dating her as just a friend if I want to in the near future.