Monday, August 2, 2010

Pretty Cool

Looks like I have some interesting people who actually had fun with my account. I'm not really that special or anything, but I got hacked. Not bad because I went to a hacker's convention in Las Vegas. I can see myself doing that to others someday, so I don't really care if I get hacked with my personal stuff on the internet. I don't care if I look like a loser or criminal even because I know that I have me to look at and I know who I am and that if someone wants to kill me by being unfair like some people over at Hope Church, possibly Annie Tran, Betty Lam, Darunee Lee Wongstapdat, Christopher Kuch, Jarred Daniel Taing, Golf, Bae, and the highly repetitive in his statements Pastor Chai from exaggerating a form of hatred then I believe that I'll be celebrating in death because I believe in heaven. I might as well enjoy this lifetime because you have one life to live, so I don't care if someone hacks my account and starts making stuff about me. I'm a hacker myself, so I'm not going to do anything illegal with those skills I soon acquire.  I could tell them that I could hack them someday and if they want to get me busted with a restraining order then I'll put one back on them for retribution because my spiritual and life obligations to them are philosophically over at that point in time.