Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why I Succeeded

This is something that's going to probably by overlooked by everybody because it's not really commonly analyzed. I was called weird for a time being, and I really was capable of ignoring those thoughts people stated about me. I was basically laughing all the time about anything big or small dealing with life situations. No, I wouldn't laugh if someone got into a tragedy; however, I would take a moment to think about how I would embrace their negative situation and then go on to laughing about things again to try to make myself happy.

In the moment where a group acted really bad with me, the reason why I got away with it was because I acted highly natural and was honest about everything. I was not under any influence of drugs or alcohol and wasn't using threats or offensive words to get my point across. Even though I wasn't at my fullest expression which would have scared Chris Kuch (Hope of God Church, L.A.) from saying anything bad about me and just see the good things about me which I'm so good at influencing, I still caused a reaction from doing something that deals with what I just mentioned. This brings me a lot of satisfaction. Yeah, Chris was being really weird and I would know how to talk to him or anybody in that weird group now. I'm just going to be straight forward and use my fullest expression with them now, which won't be pretty for them. They are going to be like acting so human in a bad sense with the way I'm going to go about things with them now. It's a good thing that they are not really God because they would suck at ruling the economy and people. I'm glad that I don't ever have to be subjected to them anymore and to their artificial way of saying how they have authority over people which totally goes against the Bill of Rights- hey they weren't really originally supposed to be born here anyway, so they would probably be ignorant to the U.S. Constitution; that's right, the weird group I've been mentioning are not really the typical white Americans whose brought up in this culture.

I heard a little about them moving to another location for establishing their church. It means they are doing pretty badly, so does a person show up to it from feeling bad? Their group is so small, and the spirit that they try to entertain is so weird at times. They are a religious bunch, not like the cool and good-looking group you would watch on the show Friends (haha). It's going to be easy for me to express sensitivity the right way. I'm really glad that I came out pumping with these written thoughts on chasing after Betty Lam over at the same church haha. I guess I wasn't really that serious about it but some good came out of the things I was thinking about; she's a little different to me and the act of going that distance might not always be so pleasurable as I would like. My prediction about Betty is that she's eventually going to have this calm, submissive attitude with me and be smiling quite a bit about some things I try to talk about with her and will oblige to do some things I ask her to. This whole image of her dumping some food like mashed potatoes all over my head doesn't really seem plausible to me haha. Betty might have this feeling about wanting to run from me but she seemed to smile when I told her that I owed her an explanation. Betty must have been trying to ignore everything that might not be bad which is her flaw and part of her selfishness; unfortunately, her way of doing things really badly won't really cut it. I could see many weird possibilities with Lee who I think could diagnose herself as being technically insane, but I think she would be a little too scared to do that to me even though she's really souring a bit lower each day without me having any need to come near her haha.

All of the things I mentioned about Betty may happen because I'm starting to see things clearly and have instilled a lot of confidence. The only way for these wonderful things to happen would be if I see Betty around which I might try to do, if she moves on from Hope of God Church L.A. I feel this need to befriend Betty from what we've done together, and the interesting experience we had together. I'm open to talking about important things like relationships with her which might be quite fun actually. She had this feeling of underlying pressure which I didn't pick up on until just now from typing this comment haha. There's nothing wrong with improvising to try to please a distressed woman which I say is a part of my expertise hehe. I was panicking a lot in the beginning because my senses were like on a Red Alert drill and thinking to myself, "Wait, this isn't supposed to be happening." I can see that people can stretch a little weirder idea from the use of their limited imagination now like Jarred Daniel Taing (same church) did with me. From what I've learned and thanks to their actions, I don't want to expect anything good out of the weird group anymore. It looks like I might be okay with just being finished and done with them. However, there's another weird person who goes there and I led him to that group. I really need to try to convince him to have faith in this powerful belief that provides divine hope and true contentment.  To end this post for today, I should make my expectations for Betty priceless hahaha.