Saturday, January 29, 2011

Facing Things

I realize that playing video games really serve as a distraction for me, and I'm not kidding because it can still fill my heart with excitement like I had when I was a kid. Homer Simpson said in an episode that kids in this generation are the best because of video games and then Bart was playing a violent video game where he was shooting down cereal mascots like Trix Rabbit, Coco Krisp, Fruit Loops, and all those other characters- very funny. It even serves to pass away a boring time in my life when time is feeling slow and nobody is really available to go out.

The thing that I want to try, even though video games are pretty cool, is facing my emotions head-on and gaining an unbelievable amount of perseverance with the Lord helping me out by living in my heart. For a time being, I was hating personal feelings of aggravation, annoyance, anger, and sadness that were a part of me, but now I want to accept it as a human being and still become a very productive humanitarian. Sorry to say this, but I'm going to really have a down right edge over ladies who deal with emotional issues all the time.

Anything in life is possible for a person to achieve which I totally believe now. A thought becomes spoken. Those spoken words may correlate to truth and finding a mentor and then the person acts. In the end, success has been attained. I guess I'm trying to say that even with my love of playing video games and getting sidetracked with a zillion other things, I want to spend some time doing the boring stuff that people do to get somewhere in life; I want to get used to them in other words and feel like it's a small chore that time just flies by and I feel like the work achieved was nothing and then I'm racking up so much wealth while relaxing on a Grecian beach while overseeing the Mediterranean Ocean. I could see a gorgeous wife in the scenario and some beautiful love that goes along with it haha. I think women aren't really that hard to obtain for a man no matter how a person looks (including height) and whatever the situation is; nothing is so impossible to God that we wouldn't be able to work to obtain satisfaction. I'm going to make my truthful assumption on Carlos Julio Rojas a little- he's not really living with the best of intentions for people and mainly about satisfying himself first, so he's going to always have bad luck with women in the end no matter how he feels things are good living in the present- that's sort of how the devil wants to operate (all about living in the now and not caring about the future and then just thinking about the past good times while suffering again). I'm about dealing with all evils including myself and walking upright at all costs even if I lose an advantage for a little while because it's only a small amount of time before I achieve something so great that it even carries into the future and overrides all the shadows I've lived in; in other words, I'm rejoicing and honoring my life at the same time. I believe that God will provide whatever I truly need for eternity and that if I leave this world for any reason especially bad people (haha), I'll be happy moving on, so I'm giving witness that I'm living my life accordingly to prepare myself for my time of being in heaven. I'm going to seriously be a very happy camper wherever I end up.