Sunday, September 30, 2012

Managing Very Tough Emotions

Over the period of economic period, I went through a major drought in my personal financial life. I was without a job and on the move by not being cut out with those jobs. I felt like a loser, like I was moving on from one job to another and with no actual satisfaction in doing those jobs. I wanted something that was so far out of reach. From all of these feelings, such as feeling like I was too short of a person and therefore, I must be inferior to people, all of these emotions hit me pretty hard in my life and affected my socializing a little bit.

I realize that I can actually be a pretty social individual and highly motivated with creativity and actually persistent enough to practically obtain some of my needs. It was really hard learning to balance things morally while retraining myself to feel the right way over some incidents. In a way, even the Bible is something that could get so out of hand by people who just want an excuse to do whatever they feel like. The Bible is something that has its true voice in all issues and it really is amazing with these patterns that associate with consistency on what it stands for. Pretty much, a person can also use any verse of the Bible from looking long enough and come out with claims like the Bible Code that could predict the end of the world or how it's okay to be sinful or something dramatic like you have to be a very robust person to get into heaven. It all depends on the person, but when a real person with a heart that truly wants to seek out the truth of something, the Bible seriously has its own unique voice and this is something that is very difficult to obtain and not something admired or taken seriously for by people in this world. From those counsels in the past with distinguished scholars from the thirteenth century, when they put the books of the Bible together, I totally believe they knew what they were doing. With philosophy, debate, and table discussions while breaking bread being big back then when there was really no accessible T.V. or entertaining video games, I truly believe these scholars were very serious about putting something on the map and deserves an objective look into the Bible with all of its sources being investigated with credible evidence which is really unique with some of the consistencies that come out from it. I believe this could be the case for any other religion, too.

I did some unintentional meandering, but going back to the topic. I pretty much summed it up- basically, emotions can be short lived and don't really have to be relied on that much. The bigger picture can come from commitment and actually getting to be knowledgeable with people around you and working at things in life to make something nice happen.